Results for 'Amanda J. Fairchild'

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    Visual Antipriming Effect: Evidence from Chinese Character Identification.Zhang Feng, J. Fairchild Amanda & Li Xiaoming - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The monsters of medicine: Political violence and the physician.Amanda J. Redig - 2011 - Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha-Honor Medical Society. Alpha Omega Alpha 74 (1):16 - 22.
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    Identifying Human Naïve Pluripotent Stem Cells − Evaluating State‐Specific Reporter Lines and Cell‐Surface Markers.Amanda J. Collier & Peter J. Rugg-Gunn - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (5):1700239.
    Recent reports that human pluripotent stem cells can be captured in a spectrum of states with variable properties has prompted a re‐evaluation of how pluripotency is acquired and stabilised. The latest additions to the stem cell hierarchy open up opportunities for understanding human development, reprogramming, and cell state transitions more generally. Many of the new cell lines have been collectively termed ‘naïve’ human pluripotent stem cells to distinguish them from the conventional ‘primed’ cells. Here, several transcriptional and epigenetic hallmarks of (...)
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    3. space, place, and gender: The sexual and spatial division of labor in the early modern household.Amanda J. Flather - 2013 - History and Theory 52 (3):344-360.
    Much has been written about the history of the work of men and women in the premodern past. It is now generally acknowledged that early modern ideological assumptions about a strict division of work and space between men and productive work outside the house on the one hand, and women and reproduction and consumption inside the house, on the other, bore little relation to reality. Household work strategies, out of necessity, were diverse. Yet what this spatial complexity meant in particular (...)
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  5. Should we welcome robot teachers?Amanda J. C. Sharkey - 2016 - Ethics and Information Technology 18 (4):283-297.
    Current uses of robots in classrooms are reviewed and used to characterise four scenarios: Robot as Classroom Teacher; Robot as Companion and Peer; Robot as Care-eliciting Companion; and Telepresence Robot Teacher. The main ethical concerns associated with robot teachers are identified as: privacy; attachment, deception, and loss of human contact; and control and accountability. These are discussed in terms of the four identified scenarios. It is argued that classroom robots are likely to impact children’s’ privacy, especially when they masquerade as (...)
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  6. Selective scientific realism and truth-transfer in theories of molecular structure.Amanda J. Nichols & Myron A. Penner - 2021 - In Timothy D. Lyons & Peter Vickers, Contemporary Scientific Realism: The Challenge From the History of Science. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  7. White Utopias: The Religious Exoticism of Transformational Festivals.Amanda J. Lucia - unknown
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    Collaborative Facilitation in Older Couples: Successful Joint Remembering Across Memory Tasks.Amanda J. Barnier, Celia B. Harris, Thomas Morris & Greg Savage - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  9.  52
    Cavell, literacy and what it means to read.Amanda J. Fulford - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (1):43-55.
    This paper explores three current notions of literacy, which underpin the theorisation and practice of teaching and learning for both children and adults in England. In so doing, it raises certain problems inherent in these approaches to literacy and literacy education and shows how Stanley Cavell's notions of reading, and especially his reading of Thoreau's Walden , help to construct a notion not of literacy, but of being literate. The paper takes four themes central to Cavell's work in his The (...)
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    Handbook of Color Psychology.Andrew J. Elliot, Mark D. Fairchild & Anna Franklin (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    We perceive color everywhere and on everything that we encounter in daily life. Color science has progressed to the point where a great deal is known about the mechanics, evolution, and development of color vision, but less is known about the relation between color vision and psychology. However, color psychology is now a burgeoning, exciting area and this Handbook provides comprehensive coverage of emerging theory and research. Top scholars in the field provide rigorous overviews of work on color categorization, color (...)
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    The hows and whys of “we” in groups.Amanda J. Barnier, Celia B. Harris & John Sutton - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Developing the Sense of Agency Rating Scale (SOARS): An empirical measure of agency disruption in hypnosis.Vince Polito, Amanda J. Barnier & Erik Z. Woody - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):684-696.
    Two experiments report on the construction of the Sense of Agency Rating Scale (SOARS), a new measure for quantifying alterations to agency. In Experiment 1, 370 participants completed a preliminary version of the scale following hypnosis. Factor analysis revealed two underlying factors: Involuntariness and Effortlessness. In Experiment 2, this two factor structure was confirmed in a sample of 113 low, medium and high hypnotisable participants. The two factors, Involuntariness and Effortlessness, correlated significantly with hypnotisability and pass rates for ideomotor, challenge (...)
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    Conference Report.Katherine H. Gordon & Amanda J. McLeod - 1999 - European Journal of Women's Studies 6 (2):231-233.
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    A laboratory analogue of mirrored-self misidentification delusion: The role of hypnosis, suggestion, and demand characteristics.Michael H. Connors, Amanda J. Barnier, Robyn Langdon, Rochelle E. Cox, Vince Polito & Max Coltheart - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1510-1522.
    Mirrored-self misidentification is the delusional belief that one's own reflection in the mirror is a stranger. In two experiments, we tested the ability of hypnotic suggestion to model this condition. In Experiment 1, we compared two suggestions based on either the delusion's surface features (seeing a stranger in the mirror) or underlying processes (impaired face processing). Fifty-two high hypnotisable participants received one of these suggestions either with hypnosis or without in a wake control. In Experiment 2, we examined the extent (...)
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  15.  39
    Features of Successful and Unsuccessful Collaborative Memory Conversations in Long‐Married Couples.Celia B. Harris, Amanda J. Barnier, John Sutton & Greg Savage - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):668-686.
    Harris, Barnier, Sutton and Savage examine the communication styles that boost the mnemonic consequences associated with conversations for long‐term married couples and the circumstances under which the couples form a TMS. Harris and colleagues demonstrated that specific communication styles (e.g., cueing each other) promote group memory success whereas others (e.g., correcting each other) did not enhance group recall performance. These results showed that even in well‐established and enduring distributed cognitive systems such as long‐term intimate couples (Harris, Barnier, Sutton & Keil, (...)
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  16.  49
    Unbuckling the Shackles: A Sex-positive Feminist Defense of BDSM.Amanda J. Dela Cruz - 2018 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 19 (2):199-218.
    It is not enough to simply claim that one has every right to do whatever they desire to do because there is always the possibility of false empowerment. Through the presence of BDSM in mass media, it has caught enough attention for it to elicit influence and uneducated inclusion to their lifestyle. I attempt to revive the debate between the abolitionist versus the sex-positive because there is a necessity to provide a critical analysis of BDSM today in the age of (...)
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  17. The psychology of memory, extended cognition, and socially distributed remembering.John Sutton, Celia B. Harris, Paul G. Keil & Amanda J. Barnier - 2010 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9 (4):521-560.
    This paper introduces a new, expanded range of relevant cognitive psychological research on collaborative recall and social memory to the philosophical debate on extended and distributed cognition. We start by examining the case for extended cognition based on the complementarity of inner and outer resources, by which neural, bodily, social, and environmental resources with disparate but complementary properties are integrated into hybrid cognitive systems, transforming or augmenting the nature of remembering or decision-making. Adams and Aizawa, noting this distinctive complementarity argument, (...)
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    Using hypnosis to disrupt face processing: mirrored-self misidentification delusion and different visual media.Michael H. Connors, Amanda J. Barnier, Max Coltheart, Robyn Langdon, Rochelle E. Cox, Davide Rivolta & Peter W. Halligan - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Analysing the SF‐36 in population‐based research. A comparison of methods of statistical approaches using chronic pain as an example.Nicola Torrance, Blair H. Smith, Amanda J. Lee, Lorna Aucott, Amanda Cardy & Michael I. Bennett - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (2):328-334.
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    Collaborative Remembering: Theories, Research, Applications.Michelle L. Meade, Celia B. Harris, Penny Van Bergen, John Sutton & Amanda J. Barnier (eds.) - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    We remember in social contexts. We reminisce about the past together, collaborate to remember shared experiences, and, even when we are alone, we remember in the context of our communities and cultures. Taking an interdisciplinary approach throughout, this text comprehensively covers collaborative remembering across the fields of developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, discourse processing, philosophy, neuropsychology, design, and media studies. It highlights points ofoverlap and contrast across the many disciplinary perspectives and, with its sections on "Approaches of Collaborative Remembering" (...)
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  21.  36
    Transmitting delusional beliefs in a hypnotic model of folie à deux.Luke P. Freeman, Rochelle E. Cox & Amanda J. Barnier - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1285-1297.
    Folie à deux is the transference of delusional ideas from one 'primary' individual to one or more 'secondary' individuals (Lasègue & Falret, 1877). However, it is difficult to investigate experimentally because often only one patient is identified as delusional. We investigated whether hypnosis could model the experiences of the secondary in this delusion. Our primary was a confederate, who displayed two delusional beliefs and attempted to transmit them to hypnotised subjects. We manipulated the status of the confederate so that they (...)
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    The recovery of memory: Does it help? [REVIEW]Kevin M. McConkey & Amanda J. Barnier - 1997 - Health Care Analysis 5 (2):125-128.
  23.  43
    Associations between attention, affect and cardiac activity in a single yoga session for female cancer survivors: An enactive neurophenomenology-based approach.Michael J. Mackenzie, Linda E. Carlson, David M. Paskevich, Panteleimon Ekkekakis, Amanda J. Wurz, Kathryn Wytsma, Katie A. Krenz, Edward McAuley & S. Nicole Culos-Reed - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 27:129-146.
  24.  30
    Ageing Together: Interdependence in the Memory Compensation Strategies of Long-Married Older Couples.Celia B. Harris, John Sutton, Paul G. Keil, Nina McIlwain, Sophia A. Harris, Amanda J. Barnier, Greg Savage & Roger A. Dixon - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    People live and age together in social groups. Across a range of outcomes, research has identified interdependence in the cognitive and health trajectories of ageing couples. Various types of memory decline with age and people report using a range of internal and external, social, and material strategies to compensate for these declines. While memory compensation strategies have been widely studied, research so far has focused only on single individuals. We examined interdependence in the memory compensation strategies reported by spouses within (...)
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    Do Volunteers in Schools Help Children Learn to Read? A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials.Carole J. Torgerson, Sarah E. King & Amanda J. Sowden - 2002 - Educational Studies 28 (4):433-444.
    The aim of unpaid volunteer classroom assistants is to give extra support to children learning to read. The impact of using volunteers to improve children's acquisition of reading skills is unknown. To assess whether volunteers are effective in improving children's reading, we undertook a systematic review of all relevant randomised controlled trials (RCTs). An exhaustive search of all the main electronic databases was carried out (i.e. BEI, PsycInfo, ASSIA, PAIS, SSCI, ERIC, SPECTR, SIGLE). We identified eight experimental studies, of which (...)
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    The Oxytocin Receptor Gene Variant rs53576 Is Not Related to Emotional Traits or States in Young Adults.Tamlin S. Conner, Karma G. McFarlane, Maria Choukri, Benjamin C. Riordan, Jayde A. M. Flett, Amanda J. Phipps-Green, Ruth K. Topless, Marilyn E. Merriman & Tony R. Merriman - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  27. Evaluating a Method to Estimate Mediation Effects With Discrete-Time Survival Outcomes.Amanda Jane Fairchild, Chao Cai, Heather McDaniel, Dexin Shi, Amanda Gottschall & Katherine E. Masyn - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Challenges faced by research ethics committees in el Salvador: Results from a focus group study.Jonathan W. Camp, Raymond C. Barfield, Virginia Rodriguez, Amanda J. Young, Ruthbeth Finerman & Miguela A. Caniza - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (1):11-17.
    ABSTRACT Objective: To identify perceived barriers to capacity building for local research ethics oversight in El Salvador, and to set an agenda for international collaborative capacity building. Methods: Focus groups were formed in El Salvador which included 17 local clinical investigators and members of newly formed research ethics committees. Information about the proposed research was presented to participants during an international bioethics colloquium sponsored and organized by the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in collaboration with the National Ethics Committee of (...)
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    Measuring Women's Empowerment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses of the Demographic and Health Surveys.Ibitola O. Asaolu, Halimatou Alaofè, Jayleen K. L. Gunn, Akosua K. Adu, Amanda J. Monroy, John E. Ehiri, Mary H. Hayden & Kacey C. Ernst - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Sex Determination and the Human Person.Myron A. Penner, April M. Cordero & Amanda J. Nichols - 2022 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 7 (1).
    For many species that reproduce sexually, how sex is expressed at different points across lifespan is highly contingent and dependent on various environmental factors. For example, in many species of fish, environmental cues can trigger a natural process of sex transition where a female transitions to male. For many species of turtle, incubation temperature influences the likelihood that turtle eggs will hatch males or females. What is the case for Homo sapiens? Is human sex expression influenced by contingent environmental factors (...)
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    Development of a Measure of Informal Workplace Social Interactions.Carolyn J. Winslow, Isaac E. Sabat, Amanda J. Anderson, Seth A. Kaplan & Sarah J. Miller - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Prodigal Century.Versus: Reflections of a Sociologist.J. A. Mack & Henry P. Fairchild - 1953 - Philosophical Quarterly 3 (10):94.
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    Developing a new justification for assent.Amanda Sibley, Andrew J. Pollard, Raymond Fitzpatrick & Mark Sheehan - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundCurrent guidelines do not clearly outline when assent should be attained from paediatric research participants, nor do they detail the necessary elements of the assent process. This stems from the fact that the fundamental justification behind the concept of assent is misunderstood. In this paper, we critically assess three widespread ethical arguments used for assent: children’s rights, the best interests of the child, and respect for a child’s developing autonomy. We then outline a newly-developed two-fold justification for the assent process: (...)
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    How infants make sense of intentional action.Amanda L. Woodward, Jessica A. Sommerville & Jose J. Guajardo - 2001 - In Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses & Dare A. Baldwin, Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 149--169.
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  35. Experiences of Stigma in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Amanda M. Gutierrez, Sophie C. Schneider, Rubaiya Islam, Jill O. Robinson, Rebecca L. Hsu, Isabel Canfield & Christi J. Guerrini - forthcoming - Stigma and Health 1.
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    Assent is not consent.Amanda Sibley, Mark Sheehan & Andrew J. Pollard - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (1):3-3.
    A recent article from Archives of Disease in Childhood outlined problems with the act of gaining child assent for research participation. However the arguments used in the article are incomplete or misguided. Rather than being harmful, assent should be seen as an ethically-appropriate way in which we can engage with the child about his participation in research. While additional clarification of the concept of assent is needed, the child's family context can provide us with a valuable guide to the way (...)
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    Two asymmetries governing neural and mental timing.Amanda R. Bolbecker, Zixi Cheng, Gary Felsten, King-Leung Kong, Corrinne C. M. Lim, Sheryl J. Nisly-Nagele, Lolin T. Wang-Bennett & Gerald S. Wasserman - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):265-272.
    Mental timing studies may be influenced by powerful cognitive illusions that can produce an asymmetry in their rate of progress relative to neuronal timing studies. Both types of timing research are also governed by a temporal asymmetry, expressed by the fact that the direction of causation must follow time's arrow. Here we refresh our earlier suggestion that the temporal asymmetry offers promise as a means of timing mental activities. We update our earlier analysis of Libet's data within this framework. Then (...)
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    Brain Device Research and the Underappreciated Role of Care Partners before, during, and Post-Trial.Amanda R. Merner, Joseph J. Fins & Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 13 (4):236-239.
    The number of clinical trials for experimental brain implants continues to grow, and with this growth comes an increased reliance upon patients with treatment-refractory conditions to volunteer as...
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    Designing System Reforms: Using a Systems Approach to Translate Incident Analyses into Prevention Strategies.Natassia Goode, Gemma J. M. Read, Michelle R. H. van Mulken, Amanda Clacy & Paul M. Salmon - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Set Size and Donation Behavior.Amanda M. Lindkvist & Timothy J. Luke - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Choice overload is the phenomenon that increasing the number of options in an assortment makes choosing between options more difficult, sometimes leading to avoidance of making a choice. In this pre-registered online experiment, choice overload was tested in a charitable behavior context, where participants faced a monetary donation choice. Charity organization assortment size was varied between groups, ranging between 2 and 80 options. The results indicate that there were no meaningful differences in donation likelihood between the 16 organization assortment sizes, (...)
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    Changes in Patients’ Desired Control of Their Deep Brain Stimulation and Subjective Global Control Over the Course of Deep Brain Stimulation.Amanda R. Merner, Thomas Frazier, Paul J. Ford, Scott E. Cooper, Andre Machado, Brittany Lapin, Jerrold Vitek & Cynthia S. Kubu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Objective: To examine changes in patients’ desired control of the deep brain stimulator and perception of global life control throughout DBS.Methods: A consecutive cohort of 52 patients with Parkinson’s disease was recruited to participate in a prospective longitudinal study over three assessment points. Semi-structured interviews assessing participants’ desire for stimulation control and perception of global control were conducted at all three points. Qualitative data were coded using content analysis. Visual analog scales were embedded in the interviews to quantify participants’ perceptions (...)
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    The benefits of an evolutionary framework for the investigation of teaching behaviour: Emphasis should be taken off humans as a benchmark.Amanda R. Ridley & Benjamin J. Ashton - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    Active Music Engagement and Cortisol as an Acute Stress Biomarker in Young Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients and Caregivers: Results of a Single Case Design Pilot Study.Steven J. Holochwost, Sheri L. Robb, Amanda K. Henley, Kristin Stegenga, Susan M. Perkins, Kristen A. Russ, Seethal A. Jacob, David Delgado, Joan E. Haase & Caitlin M. Krater - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Role of Regional Contrast Changes and Asymmetry in Facial Attractiveness Related to Cosmetic Use.Amanda C. Killian, Sinjini Mitra & Jessie J. Peissig - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Detecting Duplication in Students’ Research Data: A Method and Illustration.Peter J. Allen, Amanda Lourenco & Lynne D. Roberts - 2016 - Ethics and Behavior 26 (4):300-311.
    Research integrity is core to the mission of higher education. In undergraduate student samples, self-reported rates of data fabrication have been troublingly high. Despite this, no research has investigated undergraduate data fabrication in a more systematic manner. We applied duplication screening techniques to 18 data sets submitted by psychology honors students for assessment. Although we did not identify any completely duplicated cases, there were numerous partial duplicates. Rather than indicating fabrication, however, these partial duplicates are likely a consequence of poor (...)
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    Patient satisfaction profiling of individual physicians: impact of panel status.Harvey J. Murff, E. John Orav, Thomas H. Lee, David W. Bates & David G. Fairchild - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (4):553-561.
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    Partnering With Patients to Bridge Gaps in Consent for Acute Care Research.Neal W. Dickert, Amanda Michelle Bernard, JoAnne M. Brabson, Rodney J. Hunter, Regina McLemore, Andrea R. Mitchell, Stephen Palmer, Barbara Reed, Michele Riedford, Raymond T. Simpson, Candace D. Speight, Tracie Steadman & Rebecca D. Pentz - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (5):7-17.
    Clinical trials for acute conditions such as myocardial infarction and stroke pose challenges related to informed consent due to time limitations, stress, and severe illness. Consent processes shou...
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    Identity Theft, Deep Brain Stimulation, and the Primacy of Post‐trial Obligations.Joseph J. Fins, Amanda R. Merner, Megan S. Wright & Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (1):34-41.
    Patient narratives from two investigational deep brain stimulation trials for traumatic brain injury and obsessive‐compulsive disorder reveal that injury and illness rob individuals of personal identity and that neuromodulation can restore it. The early success of these interventions makes a compelling case for continued post‐trial access to these technologies. Given the centrality of personal identity to respect for persons, a failure to provide continued access can be understood to represent a metaphorical identity theft. Such a loss recapitulates the pain of (...)
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    Biological activities of the shrub Salsola tuberculatiformis Botsch.: Contraceptive or stress alleviator?Pieter Swart, Amanda C. Swart, Ann Louw & Kirsten J. van der Merwe - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (6):612-619.
    Plants belonging to the genus Salsola (Family: Chenopodiaceae) are common in the arid and semiarid regions of our planet with no less than 69 different Salsola species found in Namibia and the Republic of South Africa. This genus is used as a traditional medicine and aqueous extracts of Salsola have been used by Bushmen women as an oral contraceptive. Ingestion of the Namibian shrub Salsola tuberculatiformis Botsch. by pregnant Karakul sheep leads to prolonged gestation and fetal post‐maturity and, as a (...)
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    How can I find what I want? Can children, chimpanzees and capuchin monkeys form abstract representations to guide their behavior in a sampling task?Elisa Felsche, Christoph J. Völter, Esther Herrmann, Amanda M. Seed & Daphna Buchsbaum - 2024 - Cognition 245 (C):105721.
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